2023 In Review

2023 in review. ✨ What a rollercoaster of a year! Coming off the back of a challenging burnout year, 2023 was a mix of finding my footing and getting my groove back. It was tough and messy, I had the lowest grossing year of my entire career. But in the slowness, I got to experiment with new artistic outlets and reconnect with my greater purpose. Design for me has always been about inspiring people and bringing other’s creative ideas to life. One client and I joked about me being her “design doula”, nurturing her growing ideas and helping birth her creative baby into the real world. The importance of that especially hit home as a handful of my OG clients came back for a refresh after years of success with their original branding. It was so cool seeing how big their baby businesses had grown that they now needed me again to help push them to that next level. Such an insane honor as a designer. Thanks to all my incredible clients, both old and new, for entrusting me with your projects and reminding me why I love doing this all these years later. Now, let’s make some magic together in 2024!


Why I Start Every Project with an In-Depth Branding Questionnaire