Moved to Austin!

Officially another California to Austin transplant – deal with it y’all. 🤠 Thought I’d ring in the new year by moving to a new state. After living in San Diego my entire 30 years of life, it was time to change things up. Throughout Josh’s and my long-distance relationship, I visited Austin nearly every other month for a whole year, and I fell in love with it. Every trip, flying in felt like coming home, even though I’d barely scratched the surface of what this city has to offer. The food, the culture, the nature, and neon lights. I knew I couldn’t get enough in just my short trips, and really needed to live here to experience it to its fullest. I’ll always be a true San Diegan at heart, but for now, I’m excited to embark on this Austin adventure. ✨


High Horse Coffee Cold Brew


2021 In Review