The Hell We Create


The Hell We Create

Album Art & Music Packaging

For their fourth album with me, metalcore heavyweights Fit For A King wanted visuals that captured the songs’ raw exploration of misery, abandonment, trauma, destruction, and anguish. Having collaborated over the past six years on their previous albums, I knew this project needed to embody not just the heavy emotional themes of this particular release but the band’s evolution as a whole.

Drawing on imagery woven through their discography, I incorporated subtle nods to past albums, now carrying new weight as the band has grown. While The Path depicted a goddess of victory, The Hell We Create portrays a goddess of misery – grief-stricken and seething with slow-burning rage simmering beneath the tears. She clutches a rose reminiscent of Death Grip and Dark Skies, burning slowly in her blood-soaked hands. The design is steeped in this sullen dark melancholy, while blood-red accents, scratchy illustrations, and fiery text have an undercurrent of impending retribution. Every element works together to set the tone for an album that’s both suffocatingly bleak and hellishly vengeful.



Creative direction
Album artwork


Model: Merina
Brooke Hampton


Krista Ashley


Casa Dega