2022 In Review

2022 in review. ✨ I almost wasn’t gonna do a design wrapped, this was such an abnormal year for me. For the first time in nearly 16 years of business, I finally took a capital-B ✨Break✨. It wasn’t on my 2022 agenda by any means, but huge life changes + burnout will put your ass right down for a nap whether you wanna or not. I spent roughly 6 months not working, and instead spent 6 months resting, healing, exploring, questioning my existence, and reconnecting with myself beyond my identity as a designer.

At first, I was deeply embarrassed of this unplanned time off, felt so much guilt for leaving so many project inquiries on read in my email graveyard, and was ashamed of the small amount of work I had to show for the entire year. Hustle culture really got my worth entirely wrapped up in the quantity of my work.

But doing this reflection made me super proud of the quality of what I accomplished. I worked on some incredible projects I’m insanely proud of with a select few clients who truly trusted me to do my thing; I raised my rates to really reflect my decade and a half of experience; and even if not intentionally, I was actually able to live the dream of working less while still making more than the years I almost worked myself to death (literally). That’s a whole lot to be proud of, and I’m grateful this burnout break forced me to rest, reflect, and refuel. I’m ready for a slow and gentle 2023, hustling less and nourishing my artist soul more.


Why I Start Every Project with an In-Depth Branding Questionnaire


Misunderstood Whiskey Oat Nog